Constant Usage

1- Constant Variables in C++

If you make any variable as constant, using const keyword, you cannot change its value. Also, the constant variables must be initialized while they are declared.


int main
    const int i=10;
    const int j=i+10;  // works fine
    i++;    // this leads to compile time error

2- Constant Pointer

Here, w is a pointer, which is const, that points to an int. Now we can’t change the pointer, which means it will always point to the variable x but can change the value that it points to, by changing the value of x.


int main
    int x=1;
    int* const w= &x;

3- Constant Function Argument

We can make the return type or arguments of a function as const. Then we cannot change any of them.


void f(const int i)
    i++; //error

const int g()
    return 1;

4- Defining Class Data members as Constant

These are data variables in class which are defined using const keyword. They are not initialized during declaration. Their initialization is done in the constructor and can’t be changed again. <br /


class Test
    const int i;
    Test(int x):i(x)
        cout << "\ni value set: " << i;
int main()
    Test t(10);
    Test s(20);

Ampersand Usage

1- Bitwise Operation

Used as a Bitwise and logical operator.

The & (bitwise AND) in C or C++ takes two numbers as operands and does AND on every bit of two numbers.


int main()

    int a=5, b=9;
    //a=5(00000101), b=9(00001001)

    cout<< "a = "<< a <<","<<" b = "<< b << endl;
    cout<< "a & b = "<<( a & b) << endl;
    // the result is 00000001

2- Declare a reference to a type

If you use & in the left-hand side of a variable declaration, it means that you expect to have a reference to the declared type. It can be used in any type of declarations (local variables, class members, method parameters).

int main()

   std::string x("Moe");
   std::string& y=x;

This doesn’t just mean that both x and y will have the same value, but they will actually point to the same place in the memory.