If you make any variable as constant, using const keyword, you cannot change its value. Also, the constant variables must be initialized while they are declared.
int main
const int i=10;
const int j=i+10; // works fine
i++; // this leads to compile time error
Here, w is a pointer, which is const, that points to an int. Now we can’t change the pointer, which means it will always point to the variable x but can change the value that it points to, by changing the value of x.
int main
int x=1;
int* const w= &x;
We can make the return type or arguments of a function as const. Then we cannot change any of them.
void f(const int i)
i++; //error
const int g()
return 1;
These are data variables in class which are defined using const keyword. They are not initialized during declaration. Their initialization is done in the constructor and can’t be changed again. <br /
class Test
const int i;
Test(int x):i(x)
cout << "\ni value set: " << i;
int main()
Test t(10);
Test s(20);
Used as a Bitwise and logical operator.
The & (bitwise AND) in C or C++ takes two numbers as operands and does AND on every bit of two numbers.
int main()
int a=5, b=9;
//a=5(00000101), b=9(00001001)
cout<< "a = "<< a <<","<<" b = "<< b << endl;
cout<< "a & b = "<<( a & b) << endl;
// the result is 00000001
If you use & in the left-hand side of a variable declaration, it means that you expect to have a reference to the declared type. It can be used in any type of declarations (local variables, class members, method parameters).
int main()
std::string x("Moe");
std::string& y=x;
This doesn’t just mean that both x and y will have the same value, but they will actually point to the same place in the memory.